I think that the front page is fine. Didn't notice that mature art had been taken down which kinda sucks for people like shadman... I would like to see a simple, static back round with either simple orange sun-ray beams or something like the original so i agree with you on that..
The main skin is getting an update soon and we'll be trying stuff out with the score values. The change to stars was because when we switch over to a "score it once" system it helps ease the confusion between the 0-5 voting range and the 0-10 review range.
Might still try other ways to represent the content on the front page, although it might result in less content being shown... People might prefer that anyway if they don't like having so much of it all at once. User icons should be done shrinking.
It's nice to know that the staff not only reads it's users opinions, but are actively working on the site. Things like the the super front page carousel were long overdue and I'm glad to hear that we might be getting new/rotating skins.